“The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.”
Henri Bergson
Leaders know the importance of critical thinking, especially
during times of crisis. The pandemic requires that leaders provide thoughtful
and informed direction, helping guide their team forward even when the way
ahead looks uncertain.
Although you know your team looks to you for leadership, you
may be struggling to think clearly during these tumultuous times. Some experts
call it a “brain fog,” as your attention becomes limited and you look for
Fortunately, you can emerge from the fog and lead your team
well. You can start by following three steps to improve your critical thinking,
as outlined by leadership writer and TEDx speaker, Tanveer Naseer.
Plan for thinking time. As your work schedule and location
shifted over the past few months, you may have gotten sidetracked. You can get
back on track by scheduling time specifically for thinking. Working from home
gives you more control over your day, but you also must contend with many more
distractions. Naseer encourages leaders to block off thinking time in their
calendars. And he advises professionals schedule time for exercise as well, so
they are not stationed in front of a laptop all day.
Take a walk for quiet time. Sometimes, all you need to clear
your mind is to get outside for a walk. Naseer says getting out of your office
for a walk is an important way to boost your critical thinking skills during
the pandemic. When you take a walk, you give yourself a quiet space to think
and reflect. You also give yourself a change of scenery, which does wonders for
your mental health. At the very least, he says it gives you a break from
reading the latest news around the coronavirus. See if you can schedule just 10
minutes a day to get some fresh air and walk around your block or office
Critical thinking is necessary to be the best leader for
your sales team. While no one knows when the global pandemic will end, you can
take steps now to guide your team through the weeks and months ahead. Be sure
to give yourself time every day to think. Do not let a busy schedule get in the
way of your planned thinking time. It’s also a good idea to step away from your
laptop occasionally to take a walk. And always remember to breathe deeply. It
can help you reset and retain information.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Tanveer Naseer is an internationally acclaimed
leadership and TEDx speaker, award-winning leadership writer, and principal and
founder of Tanveer Naseer Leadership.